Tag: Michael Evan Parker

The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Michael Evan Parker : if it rains

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Raised and fed by a Southern lady from Chattanooga, who taught me good eating and good manners. When I die and go to heaven, I’m praying the heavenly banquet will include: Fried Livermush Pintos (with pork in them) Green beans (with pork in them) Collards (with pork in them) Corn bread (with pork cracklins in it) If there is no livermush or pigs in heaven, then–if I have my ‘druthers–I reckon I’ll have to stay right here in North Carolina. **
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

2012 Best of the Net Nominations

The Dead Mule has submitted the following poets and their poems [published in the Dead Mule to the 2012] to Sundress Publications: The Best of the Net.  Congratulations to all. Cathy Smith Bowers – “A Book a Day” – published...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Michael Evan Parker: “Old Woman Sweeping”

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Raised and fed by a Southern lady from Chattanooga, who taught me good eating and good manners. When I die and go to heaven, I'm praying the heavenly banquet will include: Fried Livermush Pintos (with pork in them) Green beans (with pork in them) Collards (with pork in them) Corn bread (with pork cracklins in it) If there is no livermush or pigs in heaven, then--if I have my 'druthers--I reckon I'll have to stay right here in North Carolina.