Hold on, I’m coming…
Seriously, the February issue will happen. Almost there, a few edits and sparkles. Meanwhile, how’s the weather? Talk amongst yourselves.

Chaz Lilly :: Holding Water ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born in Florida, raised in Georgia and migrated to East Texas for a spell. I’ve worked in the Arklamiss at UL Monroe and now reside in North Georgia. I have a tattoo of a frog with a...

Anne Anthony :: The Bingo Ladies ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement Anne Anthony lives in North Carolina though when she engages you in conversation it’s clear she was born above the Mason-Dixon Line. Still, if she’s reading you her stories, sometimes her voice slides into the gentle sway...

C. C. Evans :: Gladys’s Girls ::
C. C. Evans is a Southern-based educator who grew up in Florida. Her fiction, non-fiction, and poetry have been published in Cathexis Northwest Press, Visit Florida, Hii Magazine, and Choeofpleirn Press, amongst others. She’s a fan of the comma splice....

Margaret Donovan Bauer :: Ted’s Push ::
Southern legitimacy statement: As I tell my students, I am from as far South as you can get: Franklin, Louisiana is at the bottom of the state. I grew up on the Bayou Teche there, in a plantation house my...

Landon Whitley :: Three Poems ::
SOUTHERN LEGITIMACY STATMENT: Landon Whitley was born in North Carolina in 1996, just like The Dead Mule. Over twenty seven years, he saw Union County turn from the home of duck-tape bandaids to the county with the highest average income...

P S Bryant :: Three Poems ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in Florence, SC, right next to where the United States Air Force dropped a dud atomic bomb due to negligence. I saw the crater when I was 6. It was hauntingly large. The neighborhood...

Jeremiah Stricklin :: Pretty Boy ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: My mom used to tell me that’s why my eyes were brown. That’s my family’s version of a compliment. To be full of crap means you tell good stories. To tell good stories means you’re worth keeping...

Elizabeth Wadsworth Ellis :: Blank Tile with Tree ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I reside south of Canada. I have visited friends in Bluffton, South Carolina. A woman there told me, “You Yanks burned down everything!” We ventured into Savannah, Georgia during my visit. Blank Tile with Tree I drew...

Jim R. Rogers :: Imprint ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: “Here lately, it appears that nobody cares much about anything. Leastwise it’s the way I see it.When was the last time you heard a youngan say thank you, or please, or here let me do that foryou?...

Carl Harris :: Three Poems ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement:I am a queer black southern writer who focuses on the liminal spaces of identities that are often classed as other. I was born and raised in Union, South Carolina. This region is often noted as the foothills...

Carol Flythe :: Them ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Texas and have a really awesome Texas drawl. My husband grew up in Georgia and we frequently visit his family there. We want to move to Alabama. Also, sweet tea is...

Brent Cronin :: Anyone but Annie ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I currently live in West Virginia, which is in that grey area between the Mid-Atlantic and the South, so I believe I qualify to submit to this journal. Anyone but Annie Chester’s suit was too tight, especially...