Flash Fiction

John Frame :: A Real Job ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I spent a year living in Charlotte, North Carolina between 1996 and 1997, teaching at UNC-Charlotte and conducting historical research with the help of scholarships from Nations Bank and the St. Andrew’s Society of North Carolina. There...
Flash Fiction

Anne Anthony :: The Bingo Ladies ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement Anne Anthony lives in North Carolina though when she engages you in conversation it’s clear she was born above the Mason-Dixon Line. Still, if she’s reading you her stories, sometimes her voice slides into the gentle sway...

C. C. Evans :: Gladys’s Girls ::

C. C. Evans is a Southern-based educator who grew up in Florida. Her fiction, non-fiction, and poetry have been published in Cathexis Northwest Press, Visit Florida, Hii Magazine, and Choeofpleirn Press, amongst others. She’s a fan of the comma splice....

Landon Whitley :: Three Poems ::

SOUTHERN LEGITIMACY STATMENT: Landon Whitley was born in North Carolina in 1996, just like The Dead Mule. Over twenty seven years, he saw Union County turn from the home of duck-tape bandaids to the county with the highest average income...

P S Bryant :: Three Poems ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in Florence, SC, right next to where the United States Air Force dropped a dud atomic bomb due to negligence. I saw the crater when I was 6. It was hauntingly large. The neighborhood...