Category: Blog


February Dead Mule

Huge issue coming your way. Five more to upload, almost there. I’m about two-thirds of the way through publishing it all. At least 5 more to format before it all goes online. Unfortunately for ya’ll, I have Southern Cultures book...

this is what war looks like.

The Library of Congress digital archives provide us with this month’s photos. You should zoom in on Fort Hell, the featured image. The tragedy is that the world is filled with war. And yet another tragedy? People who don’t know...

CNAME misdirect caused Mule Failure

So, here’s the deal, ya’ll. The CNAME is part of the DNS and the DNS tells the server to open your website. I think? Somehow, in their infinite capacity to screw up websites, GoDaddy changed the CNAME for and...

August 2023 Issue

Short and sweet, it’s too gosh darn hot to think. I know you know. Take a few minutes out of your day and peruse a few bits of short fiction. And, thanks to prodding from a friend (you know who...

Dead Mule Submissions and more…

Hey ya’ll. I sent an email to those of you out there with submissions sitting in the Submittable hopper for the last eight months or more. Basically, if you submitted this year and I didn’t respond, please message me through...

What’s Your Label? Valerie MacEwan

I choose my label. “Writer” It’s rectangular. And temporary. I remove the large blue HELLO, I AM ____________ paper tag from my sweater and stick it to the mirror. Twenty years ago, my father put another label above my left breast. This...

Looking for new hosting…

Well, to be honest, I’ve had it with GoDaddy. The Dead Mule migrated to Managed WordPress on GoDaddy years ago because of the constant threat of attack. Stupid vulnerabilities popped up when trying to manage a site personally. Now GoDaddy...

February 2022 Issue

We’re chockfull of literary deliciousness this month. Loading poetry, essays, short fiction, and more today but the internet tubes (remember them?) are slow, ponderously so. January certainly is going out like a lion, even eastern NC had snow last week....

Brian O’Hare wins 2021 Veterans Writing Award

Syracuse University Press announces that Brian O’Hare’s short story collection “Something Hidden” is the winner of the 2021 Veterans Writing Award. O’Hare is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and former U.S. Marine Corps officer. Currently, he’s an award-winning writer...

April 2021

This month features poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, essays, memoirs and more writing goodness than you can shake a stick at. My dad used to say that– “more than you can shake a stick at” — I wonder if that’s a...

The March 2021 Issue

Southern Legitimacy Statement: We repainted our front porch ceiling last fall and it’s haint blue, the proper southern tone of sky blue so prevalent in old houses around here. Sherwin Williams has a paint color named “porch ceiling blue” in...

2020. Moving On.

Southern Legitimacy Statement: We’re so southern, we visit family and friends, outside, ten feet apart, on our big old front porch. We wash our hands, we wear masks, and we are always socially distant. It’s hard not to hug, it...

June issue here. (Valerie MacEwan)

*Interesting to note how many “southern online literary journals” have echoed our original premise. We’ve been here since 1996, so we can truly claim to the be first to put the south online. Welcome to our Mule.  Valerie

The May 2020 Issue

We’ve got fiction, essays, poetry, creative non-fiction. Wow, the Mule’s plate is certainly full this month. Twenty-four years ago, when I first started publishing the Mule, formatting was one page at a time, about an hour a page. Now the...

The April Mule 2020

Well, we’re all in this together, aren’t we folks? Spend a little time away from the humdrum here on the Mule and read your way into some alternate reality. If you’re reading the Mule for the first or the fiftieth...