Dead Mule Submissions and more…


Hey ya’ll. I sent an email to those of you out there with submissions sitting in the Submittable hopper for the last eight months or more. Basically, if you submitted this year and I didn’t respond, please message me through Submittable about your writing if you’d still want it to be considered. If you do not want it to be read/considered, please withdraw it.

I’ll start reading again in January 2023. The new year is upon us. Time to get off my ass and return to my publishing roots — The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature. Twenty-six years online. Submissions will open for Essays/Memoirs, Fiction, and Poetry on January 1, 2023. Check the Submissions Page for the link to submit at that time.

Meanwhile, ya’ll stay safe and hug the ones your love. Hell, hug the ones you don’t love and hope it rubs off, the kindness and the care. But it’s flu season and Covid rears its ugly head all the time so there’s that. I’ve lost a crap ton of people over the last few years, dogs too, and I’m ready to be happy again.

-Valerie MacEwan
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature