Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Texas and have a really awesome Texas drawl. My husband grew up in Georgia and we frequently visit his family there. We want to move to Alabama. Also, sweet tea is life.
Day 1
These weird drones or ships have started popping up in New Jersey, maybe they just wanna gym, tan, and laundry?
Day 2
More drones today in other states, lots of weird stuff going on. Still not sure what I think about it
Day 3
In a weird twist of fate, the super popular crystal reindeer have all “activated” and are running ground surveillance
Day 4
Part of the world is excited for aliens
Other parts are all yay Christmas
Meanwhile I just want to know if I need to pay the water bill or go sit out back and wait for the trumpets?
Day 5
My new name is Xenu and they told me I was going to like it there,
Glad I didn’t pay the water bill