Southern Legitimacy Statement: I reside south of Canada. I have visited friends in Bluffton, South Carolina. A woman there told me, “You Yanks burned down everything!” We ventured into Savannah, Georgia during my visit.
Blank Tile with Tree
I drew a blank, embarrassed, ashamed. You’d think I was a dummy. I’m not. Names, places and factoids used to be up there in my head. I could always spell without looking. Now? Words formed from letters jam and break like cars in motor vehicle accidents. I even confused roll vs. role the other day. I would ‘ve never done that previous.
This recent disintegrating loss, albeit gradual and uneven, is like having to take a dress off and on couple times.
Oh, I don’t even want to face this evil demon of aging that is robbing me without my permission of the faculties I hold dear and built brick upon brick never stopping adding and now subtracting, stolen and not even at an even pace. On then off some days, even some times of day. No discernable pattern, not really; but so unfair to be robbed like this and can’t even dial 9-1-1 and scream, “I’ve been robbed! My faculties are being stolen without my permission!”
Can’t tell the kids. Don’t let on, they’ll take away my privileges, accuse me of being a danger to myself and start calling around to reserve a slot for me in the loony-bin. A blank tile is a thief. A railroad baron once said an empty rail car is a thief. “All Aboard! Next stop the Loony Bin, er’ Assisted Living.” A wife I know put her husband in one. (“I stay here now,” he told me) tired of babysitting. I’ll get put away, a wave that crested, the I being taken away from the Me.