Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am, as always, a born in New Orleans, raised in South Texas woman. Currently living in Boston.
Southern Comfort is a Dangerous Thing
in every sense of the word.
Tastes like candy,
comes in a bottle,
Janis Joplin made it look sexy.But if you aren’t careful
You will spend your college years
fucking a stranger named Jason
on Shelly’s living room floor
only to never see him again.Which you will tell yourself is fine,
just like you told yourself about the last Jason,
and the two Bens before him.
But really, your heart ached
for someone who wanted to spend the night
for someone who wanted to make you breakfast.
for someone who wanted to hold you.
Southern Comfort is a dangerous thing.
Growing up in the south it was the only thing,
the thing that made living in the south bearable.
The shared delusion that people liked you
at least they wouldn’t say shitty things to your face.
Southern Comfort is a dangerous thing
But it wasn’t much better in Oregon,
or Massachusetts.
It only got better when I stopped pretending
that was what I wanted.
It’s not about being queer,
women are just as capable of fucking and running
It’s not about them, or you, at all.
It’s not you, it’s me.