Author: Posted by Dead Mules


Neil Izenberg: Flash Fiction: Dec 2021

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My Southern roots are gastronomic. My mother spent her childhood and most of her teen years in Shreveport, LA. There she and her identical twin Cecile developed the sweet inflections of the deep south, a witty appreciation...

Ava B. Emmerson: Poetry: Dec 2021

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Philadelphia (Southeastern Pennsylvania), which is south of the rest of Pennsylvania. For the last few years I’ve lived in North Carolina, which is actually traditionally considered to be “The South,” and,...

Christina Baumis: Poetry : Nov 2021

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Not a native but I have settled in both Carolinas longer than an eye on a tater. Appreciating over a duo of decades away from kin and my midwestern roots to savor Blue Ridge mountain hikes and...

Brian O’Hare wins 2021 Veterans Writing Award

Syracuse University Press announces that Brian O’Hare’s short story collection “Something Hidden” is the winner of the 2021 Veterans Writing Award. O’Hare is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and former U.S. Marine Corps officer. Currently, he’s an award-winning writer...

Ralph Sabelhaus: Fiction: Nov 2021

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up doing the same stupid things that all redneck Alabama kids do. When I got old enough, I jumped out of state for college and quickly learned that this big old world isn’t all cotton...

Rose Jenny: Poetry: Nov 2021

Southern Legitimacy Statement: As a trans woman, I am happy to see you all seeking to create opportunities for a diverse array of southern voices and would love to be a part of realizing that goal. I grew up in...