Author: Posted by Dead Mules

Flash Fiction

Courtney McEunn :: Sour ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in the swampy craplands they call central Florida. I ran around the sand roads barefoot, swam in the giant oil puddles they called lakes, went tubing and canoeing alongside alligators and snakes on more...

John Riley ::What Did She Lose?::

Southern Legitimacy Statement A field did stretch between our old house in Randolph County, with its recently exposed plumbing that froze every winter, and a much nicer house across the field. The people who lived in the nice house wanted...

Richard George :: Poetry ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I attended Tulane University and lived and worked in New Orleans upon completion of my studies. From an apartment by the Fairgrounds, in the middle 1990s, I published the avant-garde literary magazine, Mystery Itch. Mentally, I never...

Sage Yamashita :: Three Poems ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My dad worked for the State Department and I spent most of my life growing up living south of the equator including Ecuador, Peru, and South Africa. There are places and people there whose names and initials...