Category: Blog

The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

2012 Best of the Net Nominations

The Dead Mule has submitted the following poets and their poems [published in the Dead Mule to the 2012] to Sundress Publications: The Best of the Net.  Congratulations to all. Cathy Smith Bowers – “A Book a Day” – published...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

April Issue

Fabulous, isn’t it? We’re not through yet. It’s April Fool’s Day but we’re not kidding about the quality of this month’s poetry… it is as good as it gets! From Tim Peeler to Carter Monroe to Cathy Smith Bowers and...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

February Poetry

We have some ever-so-fine poetry for you this month. Sixteen poets. New fiction will be online on the 15th. New creative non-fiction and essays available then also. Fred Hawkins’ photography will be featured — I’m working on it right now....