Category: Fiction


A. R. Robins: Late (micro fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I’ve lived in about every area of Missouri a person can mange to live, beginning in Gentry County, about two hours north Kansas City and ending up in Bollinger County, about two hours south of St Louis. I...

Randall Ivey: Mae Ola, A Remonstrance

Southern Legitimacy Statement:  As for my Southern Legitimacy Statement, except for some brief excursions here and there, I have always lived in South Carolina. Mae Ola, A Remonstrance You just love to worry, don’t you? Wallow in worrying, I say....
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Helen Wurthmann: Not Funny Ha-Ha (fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Missouri, whose Southern statehood led to the civil war, regardless of whether or not modern Missourians consider themselves Southerners. Missouri and I are the middle children of our respective families: often overlooked...