Chaz Lilly :: Holding Water ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born in Florida, raised in Georgia and migrated to East Texas for a spell. I’ve worked in the Arklamiss at UL Monroe and now reside in North Georgia. I have a tattoo of a frog with a...
Anne Anthony :: The Bingo Ladies ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement Anne Anthony lives in North Carolina though when she engages you in conversation it’s clear she was born above the Mason-Dixon Line. Still, if she’s reading you her stories, sometimes her voice slides into the gentle sway...
Carol Flythe :: Them ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Texas and have a really awesome Texas drawl. My husband grew up in Georgia and we frequently visit his family there. We want to move to Alabama. Also, sweet tea is...
George Uriah :: Katrina, Darling ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I moved from Nairobi to Nashville right before I started high school and I vowed to leave the South the moment I graduated. I reluctantly stayed in town for college and then went as far away as...
James M. Maskell :: Henry ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I’ve spent my life in an area known as the south shore, which is just south of Boston. And despite just how northern that may seem to the rest of the country, believe me when I say...
Hope Coulter :: Spot He ::
I was born in New Orleans—long story, but as a Southern Legitimacy Statement it could stop right there. On the other hand, Southerners rarely stop talking when they should, so I’ll go on to say that my natal residency in...
Randall Ivey :: Call Me Aa-ron ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Despite being from a place called Union (South Carolina), I am a born, bred, and dyed-in-the wool Southerner. Call Me Aa-ron If you run into me somewhere and say hey, don’t call me Air-ron. That ain’t my...
Scott McLeod :: Cody ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am from the South shore of Long Island which is positively Faulknerian if you compare it to Gatsby’s East Egg. Cody “You ever seen a dead body?” asked Cody. I was just glad he was speaking...
Karen Klein :: Remnants ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: This story arrived while I was sitting in the cemetery in Morgantown, West Virginia at the end of S High Street. It was a place I frequented often on sunny days, or cool days, too if it...
Jordan Thornton :: Youth Grouping ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up falling asleep to the sound of a box fan in the window. I’ll stop at any fruit stand that’s selling boiled peanuts. There aren’t many bodies of water that I won’t swim in. My...
J Eddie Edwards :: Here ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am certified in using picket fence, rubber flooring, and duct tape to seal a bedroom for a Florida CAT4 hurricane before running inside to drink. My blood is mostly orange juice, BBW sauce, and a form...
Ramces Ha :: Bronco Blitz Monsoon ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born in Tyler, TX, moved to Florida, now back in Texas, just outside of Fort Worth, aka Cowtown — doesn’t get much more southern than The World Famous Fort Worth Stockyards. No matter where I go, my...
Harry James :: The Dog Fell Out of the Truck ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born south of the Ohio River in a border state that declared itself neither North, nor South in that most uncivil of civil wars. In doing so, it proceeded to wander between both beliefs and...