Category: Poetry


Landon Whitley :: Three Poems ::

SOUTHERN LEGITIMACY STATMENT: Landon Whitley was born in North Carolina in 1996, just like The Dead Mule. Over twenty seven years, he saw Union County turn from the home of duck-tape bandaids to the county with the highest average income...

P S Bryant :: Three Poems ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in Florence, SC, right next to where the United States Air Force dropped a dud atomic bomb due to negligence. I saw the crater when I was 6. It was hauntingly large. The neighborhood...

Carl Harris :: Three Poems ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement:I am a queer black southern writer who focuses on the liminal spaces of identities that are often classed as other. I was born and raised in Union, South Carolina. This region is often noted as the foothills...

Marsha Owens :: Boarded Up ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born in Richmond, VA, I’ve made it my forever home. My paternal grandpa was a waterman on the Chesapeake Bay, and to this day, I’m a seafood snob. I married an ex-Amishman to whom all things Southern...

Chris Epenshade :: Roadkill ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement, I am proud to have had seven pieces published by the Dead Mule School. I was raised in North Carolina, and I went to college and grad school in Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida. When I lived...