Flash Fiction

Hope Coulter :: Spot He ::

I was born in New Orleans—long story, but as a Southern Legitimacy Statement it could stop right there. On the other hand, Southerners rarely stop talking when they should, so I’ll go on to say that my natal residency in...
Creative Non-Fiction / Memoirs

Kimberly Williams :: “Southern Cornbread Dressing as described in The New Perry Hotel: A Century of Southern Hospitality, A Compilation of Memories and Favorite Recipes of Nannette Green in Her 50th Year at the New Perry Hotel” by Bobbe Nelson ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born and raised in west Georgia and east Alabama, my high school mascot was a distinguished Civil War soldier and my grandparents never pronounced the “r” in my first name. Pot likker soothed my colic and constipation,...