
Jim R. Rogers :: Imprint ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: “Here lately, it appears that nobody cares much about anything. Leastwise it’s the way I see it.When was the last time you heard a youngan say thank you, or please, or here let me do that foryou?...

Carl Harris :: Three Poems ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement:I am a queer black southern writer who focuses on the liminal spaces of identities that are often classed as other. I was born and raised in Union, South Carolina. This region is often noted as the foothills...
Flash Fiction

Carol Flythe :: Them ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Texas and have a really awesome Texas drawl. My husband grew up in Georgia and we frequently visit his family there. We want to move to Alabama. Also, sweet tea is...

Brent Cronin :: Anyone but Annie ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I currently live in West Virginia, which is in that grey area between the Mid-Atlantic and the South, so I believe I qualify to submit to this journal. Anyone but Annie Chester’s suit was too tight, especially...
Flash Fiction

Hope Coulter :: Spot He ::

I was born in New Orleans—long story, but as a Southern Legitimacy Statement it could stop right there. On the other hand, Southerners rarely stop talking when they should, so I’ll go on to say that my natal residency in...