
Al Russell :: Poetry ::

A former Carolina Girl, I am now a Carolina Person. I went Up North for Poetry School but decided it was too cold and it wasn’t enough culture there and also GOD living expenses were too high and my Mama...

Ellen Perry :: The Door ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement -I was born in North Carolina and lived here all my life (almost 50 years, now, good Lord). Dad is from east Tennessee, Mom from Georgia – I’m a hybrid, then, of Deep South and Appalachian sensibilities....

Carter Welch :: delta works ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My father’s grandparents moved to Greenville, South Carolina when he was young. He visited them and noticed their accents changing. My mother grew up so far south in Michigan she could walk to the Indiana border. I...

Michael Ball :: Admonition ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Michael Ball scrambled from daily and weekly papers through business and technical pubs. Born in OK and raised in rural WV, he became more citified in Manhattan and Boston. As one of the Hyde Park Poets, he...

February Dead Mule

Huge issue coming your way. Five more to upload, almost there. I’m about two-thirds of the way through publishing it all. At least 5 more to format before it all goes online. Unfortunately for ya’ll, I have Southern Cultures book...

C. K. North :: Cardinals ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Northern Virginia – The South by definition, but not by heart. I was born and raised here, enjoying a childhood with farms, general stores, apple orchards, and civil war artifacts found in frequently yards and creeks. Suburbia...