Chris Epenshade: Chasing the Wrong Scent (essay)
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in the North Carolina Piedmont from the seventh grade through college. I was fully immersed in classic Southern pursuits including hunting just about everything, fishing, trapping muskrats, frog-gigging, arrowhead collecting, and high-speed, dirt-road driving....

October Issue online by the 5th
We’re running behind, sorry to all those awaiting the joys of our October Issue. It will be here soon, y’all hang on … it’s coming, we promise. -Valerie MacEwan

Stephen Scott Whitaker: A Mini-Chapbook of Poetry
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born raised, and breeding kids in Southeast Virginia, though I had to go to Buffalo to get hitched. Didn’t cross the M/D line till I was 19, and then for only a weekend. Unlike many, I know what’s...

Helen Wurthmann: Forbidden (essay)
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Missouri, whose Southern statehood led to the civil war, regardless of whether or not modern Missourians consider themselves Southerners. Missouri and I are the middle children of our respective families: often overlooked...

Phoebe Kate Foster: Metropolitan Life
Ms. Foster was the fiction editor of the Dead Mule School of Southern Literature for over 15 years. Her tireless dedication to good fiction made her a cherished resource. We miss her daily. This story comes to us via her...

Cecil Geary: The End of the Pier (short fiction)
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was raised in central Kentucky, southern Indiana, and southern California. We moved to California when I was twelve years old. The End of the Pier It was still dark when we started out for Newport Beach. We...

C.L. Bledsoe: Sorry You Are Not an Instant Winner (chapbook review)
sorry you are not an instant winner, by Doritt Carroll. Kattywompus Press, 2017. $12. Reviewed by CL Bledsoe The poems in Carroll’s chapbook are stripped-down narratives, eschewing punctuation or capitalization, in a style somewhat like Lucille Clifton or Besmilr...

Joan Baker: The Burial (memoir)
Southern Legitimacy Statement: This is a story about New York Yankee children listening to their Southern parents’ same old argument about their burial sites in the South. As you say, the South has all answers to all arguments… The Burial “I...

Amanda Pugh: It’s a Southern Thing (memoir – festivals)
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am as Southern as grits, biscuits, and gravy, having the double blessing of being brought into this world in the great state of Georgia (Atlanta to be precise) and having my raising in the Volunteer State of...

Nina Fosati: You Got to Throw the Little Ones Back (flash fiction)
Southern Legitimacy Statement We’ve got Texas relatives who, for years, have told us we have to move to the land of living large. I witnessed the following exchange at the Houston airport. You Got to Throw the Little Ones Back...

Sarah Canterbury: The Books I Never Read (Memoir)
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born in wildly wonderful state of West Virginia and have appreciated being uniquely southern my entire life. From music to food West Virginia is rich with Southern culture. The Books I Never Read 1 I loved...

Mary Wiygul: Life Lessons (memoir)
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born in Panola County, Mississippi, (where SEC affiliations are handed out as birthrights) to parents from towns named Tocowa and Blackjack. They decided to split the difference and raise me in a town called Pope...

Diane Payne: The Family Mantra (memoirs)
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I’ve lived in Arkansas over 15 years, so I’m feeling Southern. The Family Mantra My father bawled one night, wailed just like the pansy he said my brother was when he cried. He didn’t punch holes in the...