The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Susan Carter Morgan: Three Poems



Reflection On a Raw Evening

Her puffy eyes stare past me as I browse
windows of shops closed for the night.
I notice her cheeks, lined and sagging.
My fingers numb, I cup my steaming mug.
Moving past lights, shimmering and loopy, I
brush evergreens stationed like pylons on sidewalks.
Children, pink-cheeked and bundled,
hurry to a chocolate shop, parents tagging along.
A withered moth, flits back and forth
across the dirty window of an old sedan
A stranger to myself.
She nods at me, as I yank my wool coat
around my shoulders. Her gray, wiry hair
blows in the wind. Turning  the corner,
I smooth my own.


A Glance

I thought I saw you today,
milky eyes, wiry gray brows,
wandering in the vegetable aisle
in a flannel shirt worn a hundred mornings
you paused, confused.
I pushed the cart to the side,
letting the woman shopping for apples pass,
anchored to my spot.


The Day After

my mother wakes alone,
wailing in her bed,
his blue flannel night shirt
wrapped around her wrinkled face

I rise because I must,
offering little comfort
he is not here, but everywhere

somehow the day goes
interrupted by
a boat in the yard
a whiff of turpentine from his wood shop

so I fold clothes,
cut fruit for lunch,
decide on the prayers,

I hold my emotions
like a wrench

chin up, I remember