Author: Posted by Dead Mules


Jane Blanchard :: Undertaking ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Native to Virginia and long-resident in Georgia, I’m as Southern as Southern can be. (Let’s not talk about the seven-year stretch in New Jersey.) A prominent Mid-Western poet once told me during a workshop, “I could listen...

Rosalie Hendon :: Poetry ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Though my parents met in their home state of Ohio, they settled in Tallahassee, Florida to start their family. I was born in Tallahassee and lived there till I was 18. I then studied at the University...

Al Russell :: Poetry ::

A former Carolina Girl, I am now a Carolina Person. I went Up North for Poetry School but decided it was too cold and it wasn’t enough culture there and also GOD living expenses were too high and my Mama...

Carter Welch :: delta works ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My father’s grandparents moved to Greenville, South Carolina when he was young. He visited them and noticed their accents changing. My mother grew up so far south in Michigan she could walk to the Indiana border. I...