John Haymaker :: Reprise of a Vanishing Act ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: You might say I was halfway to Dixie the day I was born on account of the Kansas twang I picked up from my parents, who raised me in Chicago shortly after my birth. The twang was...

Erin Savage :: When a Tea Party Is Not a Tea Party: An Unwanted Invite ::
Southern legitimacy statement: My parents dragged me away from the home I loved in Louisville, to put down roots in the frigid Midwest. My time residing in Louisville, the home of my earliest memories, was well spent though. When I...

Chance Jungling :: An Ode to Steve ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am not from the south. I grew up in small town Iowa, surrounded by alcoholics. I spent many days growing up riding around with my grandpa in his truck, him drinking Busch light the whole time...

James Ryer :: An Italian Life Journey ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I have lived almost exclusively in the South, but that has never fully defined me. I find that definition in how I think about and how I respond to my orange blossom scented environment. For the last...

J Eddie Edwards :: Here ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am certified in using picket fence, rubber flooring, and duct tape to seal a bedroom for a Florida CAT4 hurricane before running inside to drink. My blood is mostly orange juice, BBW sauce, and a form...

Albert Dixon :: Storms of My Youth ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born in the South, I live in the South: Athens, Georgia. I’ve tried to leave, a few times, but I always come back. Nowhere else feels like home. Storms of My Youth There was a...

Harlan Yarbrough :: Git Along Home ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: When I lived in the South (which began when I was about three months old), I didn’t fit in; I was different. When I later attended a university in and therefore necessarily lived in Yankee country, I...

Marsha Owens :: Boarded Up ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born in Richmond, VA, I’ve made it my forever home. My paternal grandpa was a waterman on the Chesapeake Bay, and to this day, I’m a seafood snob. I married an ex-Amishman to whom all things Southern...

Thomas Orr :: The Snake : Genesis : Virginia Tiger Moth ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I’ve spent most of my life halfway between the concrete North and green South of Virginia: wandering about the woods, swimming in dark lakes, catfishing, and drinking whiskey over card tables to Son House and Lightnin’ Hopkins....

Ramces Ha :: Bronco Blitz Monsoon ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born in Tyler, TX, moved to Florida, now back in Texas, just outside of Fort Worth, aka Cowtown — doesn’t get much more southern than The World Famous Fort Worth Stockyards. No matter where I go, my...

H. L. Liptak :: The Flabbyman ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Growing up in South Carolina we whispered ghost stories about the Gray Man, plateyes, or the Lovely Lady when we snuck past crooked iron gates into grave yards covered with kudzu and ancient oaks dripping with Spanish...

Mike Wilson :: Choice ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in Lexington, Kentucky. My father grew up in Strawberry Holler, Wayne County, Kentucky. My mother’s father was a coal miner in Eastern Kentucky. Neither of them were much on church, but going was part...

Harry James :: The Dog Fell Out of the Truck ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born south of the Ohio River in a border state that declared itself neither North, nor South in that most uncivil of civil wars. In doing so, it proceeded to wander between both beliefs and...