Category: Fiction


Karan Freimark: The Hunt (fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Kentucky, but spent most of my adult life In the south. I’ve come back to Kentucky now–I missed the hills. The Hunt The gray light filtering through the curtains was a...

Betty Moffett: Dan (fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in North Carolina–in the western red clay hills, the flat tobacco county in the middle of the state, and the sandy beaches of Nags Head. Dan Uncle Charles ran a small dairy farm on the...

Alyson Wild: Her and the Hims

Southern Legitimacy Statement: As a child, I lived for the summers spent at my Grandfathers’ in South Carolina. Yeah, we were tourists in Myrtle Beach, but something salty just gets in your blood August after August, coated in sunscreen and...

Juan Cruz: A Morning in Soda City

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born in Bogotá, Colombia. I have been living in Columbia, South Carolina, since 2010. I currently work at the University of South Carolina, where I am completing a PhD in Comparative Literature. I prefer not...

James Vachowski: The Wal-Mart Diaries (Fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Carpetbagger by birth, South Carolinian by the grace of marriage. White-collar professional with lofty career aspirations of the traveling carnival circuit, ideally a leadership role with the midway sales division. Southern is as Southern does. The Wal-Mart...