Category: Fiction


Fox Good :: He Keeps the Faith ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Raised in Maryland, 10 miles from the Mason Dixon. Summered and Wintered (and more often than not Sprung and Fell) in West Virginia, where nouns are verbs and verbs are for the doin’. Drinking Costa Rican coffee,...

John Jacobson :: 1979 ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I live in the western Catskill Mountains, at the northern edge of Appalachia, south of the Adirondacks, most of New England and of course Canada. We’re south of a lot here. Anyway, I try to write about...

H. L. Liptak :: The Flabbyman ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Growing up in South Carolina we whispered ghost stories about the Gray Man, plateyes, or the Lovely Lady when we snuck past crooked iron gates into grave yards covered with kudzu and ancient oaks dripping with Spanish...

Henry Stevens :: The Definition ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born in the Halifax County, Virginia and other than two years I spent doing undergraduate in China, I never lived anywhere else but the South. I finished my undergraduate at Duke in North Carolina, and...

Ken Wheaton :: Mother of the Year ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: One of my first instances of writing for the public was telling the college cafeteria that their “gumbo” was so wrong that it was an affront to Southern Louisiana and all its people. I was a veritable...

Juan Cruz :: Not Dark Yet ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born in Bogotá, Colombia. I moved to the US when I was in my twenties. I lived in South Carolina for almost a decade. I earned a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of...

John Riley ::What Did She Lose?::

Southern Legitimacy Statement A field did stretch between our old house in Randolph County, with its recently exposed plumbing that froze every winter, and a much nicer house across the field. The people who lived in the nice house wanted...