Category: Poetry


May Jordan : Poetry!

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I went through the Marine Corps boot camp at Paris Island, South Carolina in 1969. I married a Texan from Brownsville, and you cannot get much further south than that. We had a hound named “Dog,” and a...

Carol Poster : Poetry!

Southern Legitimacy Statement : Not a dead mule, but is a dead mule deer close enough? Shapes of Dust Through breaks in the billowing dirt road dust, a shape ahead appears a fallen girl, knees bent, arm outstretched, head turned aside,...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Eve Lyons: A Poem

Southern Legitimacy Statement:  I am, as always, a born in New Orleans, raised in South Texas woman. Currently living in Boston. Southern Comfort is a Dangerous Thing “It is a sad time for the heart.” – Gary Soto Southern Comfort is...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Pris Campbell: A Prose Poem Memoir

My Southern Statement  I was born in South Carolina where I loved to snack on barbecue sandwiches with cold slaw on top and fried green tomatoes. My great grandfather fought in the War Between the States (if I said Civil...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Tom Sheehan: A Poem

My legitimacy statement says, “I have appeared in your magazine, have read and vacationed in NC, and once worked in Tennessee.” Cold Night’s Dark Advances And always it is this Gift-giver, this woman from midnight’s the other side, this darkness...

Pepper Smith: Other People’s Brights

Southern Legitimacy Statement: First off, my name is Pepper. Nuff said. Secondly, I’m from Mississippi. But to continue… in the summers I would visit my Mamaw who made “sun tea” by putting a jar with filled with water, tea bags, and...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Richard Weaver : Mule Toe

  My Official Highfalutin’ Southern Legitimacy Statement  I was born on the same day that George Armstrong Custer died, though “Autie”, as he called his adopted self, and I never exchanged letters. But that don’t make me a soldier or...

Matthew Borczon: Three Poems

SLS- my grand father was a miner, then a railroad man before he left that life to live in Erie Pa and chase my grand mother. My wife grandmother lived in West Virginia where her father was shot dead on...

Herbert Woodward Martin: Poems

Mr. Martin needs no detailed Southern Legitimacy Statement, he has graced our website before today but I do want to include this: “I am a Southerner by birth and tradition. I was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1933. I send these pieces...