Kimberly Williams :: “Southern Cornbread Dressing as described in The New Perry Hotel: A Century of Southern Hospitality, A Compilation of Memories and Favorite Recipes of Nannette Green in Her 50th Year at the New Perry Hotel” by Bobbe Nelson ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born and raised in west Georgia and east Alabama, my high school mascot was a distinguished Civil War soldier and my grandparents never pronounced the “r” in my first name. Pot likker soothed my colic and constipation,...

Judy Merens :: Ghosts of Thanksgivings Past ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I have dual citizenship in both the South and the Midwest. I am a new writer, reborn by discovering writing in my 70’s (years, not the decade.) I love the South–the food, the music, the lakes and...

Tyler Ayres :: Cut Tomatoes ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Though I was sired in New York City, my folks brought me up in Central Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania isn’t the South, you say? Alright, friendo. Step into my office. See this map? Pittsburgh over on this side, Philly...

Jefferson Fortner :: A Honky-Tonk Epiphany | My Grandfather’s Garden | Wine, Women, and Song ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am a lifelong resident of North Carolina, as were my parents, and my grandparents, and great-grandparents, reaching back to well before the American Revolution. It must be admitted, however, that there were a few immigrants from...

Lee Anne Sontheimer Murphy :: Asleep in the Arms of Jesus ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: My ancestors wore Confederate gray and stood with Lee at Appomattox. My husband’s folks hailed from Louisiana and I learned to make gumbo and chicken maque choux and boudin from a Cajun lady named Miss Odile. My...

Biff Rushton :: Where 42 Crosses The Sabine | George Daniel ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: In early 1835 my fourth great grandfather, John Nolan and his brother James, fled the Tithe War in Ireland and arrived upon the fringes of revolution in Texas. A little over a year later, Texas had become...

Randall Ivey :: Call Me Aa-ron ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Despite being from a place called Union (South Carolina), I am a born, bred, and dyed-in-the wool Southerner. Call Me Aa-ron If you run into me somewhere and say hey, don’t call me Air-ron. That ain’t my...

Rowan Tate :: Ancestry ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in a family of Romanian immigrants— my grandmother and five children— that all live in Atlanta, Georgia. I currently live in southern Romania. *Editor’s note: This essay is especially important today as we face...

Scott McLeod :: Cody ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am from the South shore of Long Island which is positively Faulknerian if you compare it to Gatsby’s East Egg. Cody “You ever seen a dead body?” asked Cody. I was just glad he was speaking...

Fox Good :: He Keeps the Faith ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: Raised in Maryland, 10 miles from the Mason Dixon. Summered and Wintered (and more often than not Sprung and Fell) in West Virginia, where nouns are verbs and verbs are for the doin’. Drinking Costa Rican coffee,...

Jessica Sampley :: The Cowcumber Poem | South Florida: the lover driving alone sees Indian River fruit | At the Mill Creek Dam, Carbon Hill, Alabama—the Night Jay Almost Died ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: I open my mouth and the South comes out. I grew up listening to my mawmaw’s stories and trying to come to terms with the beauty, complexities, and dualities of growing up in rural Alabama, and I...

Karen Klein :: Remnants ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: This story arrived while I was sitting in the cemetery in Morgantown, West Virginia at the end of S High Street. It was a place I frequented often on sunny days, or cool days, too if it...

James Huneycutt :: Drug Policy Memo ::
Southern Legitimacy Statement: The author is an ex-offender who runs a successful plumbing company in Virginia. He scribbles on the backs of invoices, estimates and parts lists. These scraps accumulate on the dashboard of his plumbing van until he can...