
J. O. Winberry :: Birdhouse ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am perhaps somewhat controversially Southern in that I was born and raised, and currently reside, in Southern California. We are the nail in the boot, the thorn in the side, the worm in the tequila of...
Flash Fiction

John Frame :: Night Out in Cow Town ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I spent a year living in Charlotte, North Carolina between 1996 and 1997, teaching at UNC-Charlotte and conducting historical research with the help of scholarships from Nations Bank and the St. Andrew’s Society of North Carolina. There...
Flash Fiction

Casey Clough :: The Hunter ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in South Carolina. I didn’t learn to love her until long after I’d left her. I dashed out the sweet lilt of an accent in my voice with over enunciated consonants, diligently...

this is what war looks like.

The Library of Congress digital archives provide us with this month’s photos. You should zoom in on Fort Hell, the featured image. The tragedy is that the world is filled with war. And yet another tragedy? People who don’t know...
Flash Fiction

Mia Eaker :: Red Lipstick ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Pumpkin Center aka Punkin’ Center, North Carolina. I’ve drank moonshine, gathered fresh eggs, fallen into cow manure, and been shocked by an electric fence. Cornbread and story-telling were staples around our...