Category: Fiction


Cormac McShane: Ruin (short fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My Southern-ness is complex, and split between pride and shame. My mother is from Virginia, and a descendant of the Prestons who came over in the early eighteenth-century. Smithfield Plantation near Blacksburg is an ancestral home of...

Cecil Geary: Bicycle Paths (short fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement:  I was raised in central Kentucky, southern Indiana, and southern California. My relatives first came to Kentucky from Virginia in 1800. I usually write humorous stories about the folks I knew in Kentucky. The attached story is...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Nelson Lowhim: The Artist

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Was in the south when in the Army. Good times. Or not. Here’s a piece about the scars some carry along with their long and sordid history. The Artist I once knew a painter, artist type, his face...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Aimee Keeble: Red Dog, a short story

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Growing up in Florida during the war with Iraq I saw the resulting effects ravage a generation of young men with all good intentions. Red Dog Mama cracked an egg and I fell out punch drunk that’s how...