The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

December Fiction and Essays



Over the river and through the woods …

The illustrations for the fiction and poetry sections this month come from a drawer full of old Christmas. Many of the senders are gone from this world and most of them are gone from my memory. Without my mom here to remind me about this aunt or that friend … family thoughts and traditions have gone the way of so many other things these days.

Yet these cards survived the floods of recent decades here in eastern NC. Enjoy a bit of my family’s past.

Ya’ll be safe throughout the end of this year and into the next. Not easy words to say today. Move forward in peace.

And keep on submitting to the Mule. Our standards are sometimes tough but we try to be kind. There are always those stories which may be lacking in finesse but that still touch our hearts. Great writing can sometimes mean getting your point across to a reader — not necessarily Pulitzer Prize material — just good kind stories about love and understanding. We’ll kick back in to some southern noir in the coming months but what with all the zombie apocalypse overkill out there, we’re hoping for a gentler bit of prose in the coming year.