
Bill Pendergraft :: Three Poems for October ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am a sixth-generation North Carolinian. I was a high school English teacher in Burgaw, NC and years later an environmental writer/producer who depended on major environmental organizations for my paycheck, although Southerners were sometimes seen as...

Dan Russell :: Red Sky Morning ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I used to race against chickens in the backyard after my Papaw lopped their heads off. I also once inadvertently bought a goat at the sale barn. Red Sky Morning I didn’t sleep well. All night long,...

CNAME misdirect caused Mule Failure

So, here’s the deal, ya’ll. The CNAME is part of the DNS and the DNS tells the server to open your website. I think? Somehow, in their infinite capacity to screw up websites, GoDaddy changed the CNAME for www.deadmule.com and...

James Ryer :: Sweet Home Alabama ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was raised during the late 1940s to the early 1960s in Central Florida, not usually considered a Deep South state, but still not without some of the South’s more defining aspects at the time such as...

August 2023 Issue

Short and sweet, it’s too gosh darn hot to think. I know you know. Take a few minutes out of your day and peruse a few bits of short fiction. And, thanks to prodding from a friend (you know who...

Ian Mueller :: Unseeing ::

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Yeah, I was born in St. Louis, Missouri, but I moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, when I was four. My Midwestern cousins used to tease me about my Southern accent but then I made them listen to...