Search Results for: southern


Step and Do Not Step (memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in a small town in South Carolina among the rivers and pines and sandy dirt roads. My mother, a French Huguenot from Charleston, SC, taught me that we have the ocean in our blood...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Aimee Keeble: No Ode to Oxy (essay)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I live in North Carolina. This area of America has been savaged by Oxycontin or as they call it around here ‘hillbilly heroin.’ I’ve met a lot of people who have been affected by the drug; this is...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Nancy Hartney: Three Poems

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My family and I come from Georgia, and while they have mostly died off or moved further south, I still say I hail from Atlanta. Great-great grandfather wore grey and fought in The War while my granddaddy was...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Rae Monroe: The Cowmilker

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born in backwoods Mississippi, and spent my youth bouncing between my homestate, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, and Virginia. I also spent some time in Florida, but many consider it to be a lost corner of...