Author: Posted by Dead Mules


Greg Stidham (Dec. 2018)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Dear Ms. MacEwan, I should not feel the need to apologize for living now in Ontario, for your name suggests first generation roots in Scotland, or at least Nova Scotia. My claim to a southern heritage comes from...

June Rogers: Sweet and Tart :: Dec. 2018

Southern Legitimacy Statement: East Texas food figures prominently in my memory of childhood where I lived in Longview (and later in Dallas and Austin): cornpone, grits, collard greens, cornpone, fried chicken, the catfish and green jello at Luby’s Cafeteria, and of...

Jim Finley: Ned the Mule :: Dec. 2018

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born and reared in Texas, but graduate schooled three years in Starkville, Mississippi, and spent three years teaching at LSU in Lafayette, Louisiana. Lived and wed a talented and sweet Cajun in Crowley, La. With mind and soul...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Travis Stephens: Two Poems Dec. 2018

“12th of February, waiting on spring” February night the color of jackdaws the color of sleep under blankets the taste of dreams. Names are lost faces blurry and puffy like bad teeth in photos from another age. War again. Peace...