Author: Posted by Dead Mules

The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Peter Stavros: Smoke, a short story

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Although a Northerner by birth (NYC), I was raised in Eastern Kentucky where my family returned after Dad was done working for J. Edgar and the Feds. I attended college in North Carolina before I too was pulled...

Carolyn Flynn : Improvising

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am a native-born Kentuckian with a journalism degree from the University of Kentucky and quite a few past newspaper lives in the Bluegrass State and one in Mississippi, which is where I really...

Dale Wisely: Dead Bulls

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Dale Wisely grew up in rural Arkansas. His father didn’t speak much, but Dale remembers these two things his father said: (1) Son, your oil is the lifeblood of anything mechanical and (2) Boy, you get back in...

March 2017, Slow Cooking Issue

Submittable currently warns us of server issues so we are slow to load but ready for March. Should be around 18 new pieces online within the next few days… Some Dale Wisely, a bit of Carolyn Flynn, Tom Sheehan, Claire...

CL Bledsoe: Going to Jackson

Going to Jackson We left Sara standing outside a gas station in Jackson, Mississippi, waiting for her Mom, who lived just down the street.   “You better go before she sees you,” Sara said, hugging me. “Thanks.” “No problem,” I...

Pepper Smith: Other People’s Brights

Southern Legitimacy Statement: First off, my name is Pepper. Nuff said. Secondly, I’m from Mississippi. But to continue… in the summers I would visit my Mamaw who made “sun tea” by putting a jar with filled with water, tea bags, and...