Category: Essays


Barbara McLay: Five Faiths (essay)

Southern legitimacy statement: I was born and raised in Florida and am still living here, two miles from Georgia. My dad and grandparents were also native Floridians, and I can’t find a maternal or paternal ancestor who was born or lived...

Briana Loveall: The Wool-Gatherer (essay/memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My grandmother raised me on cornbread and southern stories, the anecdotes of her girlhood among the cotton rows. The Wool-Gatherer I buy the strawberries grown and shipped from Watsonville because my grandmother’s hands once picked them there....
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Alyssa Ross: What Remains (memoir/essay)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My southern heritage includes being born in Guntersville, AL and currently working/residing in Auburn, AL (since 2011). What Remains Home, a space both real and imagined. You can quantify it – measure it in square feet, pace its...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Betty Vine: The Boot At The Bottom (memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: There’s nothing dirty in that dictum, “Pinch the tail and suck the head.” Like other South Louisiana creatures, I’ve got a hard exoskeleton and a spicy interior that—although it takes some elbow grease to access—will leave you licking...

Andy Betz: Mrs. Zeeman (memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Missouri and now live (very, very) close to Atlanta. With the exception of college, I have spent my entire life in the South. I most certainly do not miss the snow,...

Amanda Pugh: Tornado Season (memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am as Southern as grits, biscuits, and gravy, having the double blessing of being brought into this world in the great state of Georgia (Atlanta to be precise) and having my raising in the Volunteer State...