The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

New for the end of the year …


Some new stories, a few essays … those wonderful poems. We’re leaving 2012 with a nice warm feeling.

The Mule’s looking like it’s in good shape for 2013. We’ve added a really neat little plug-in that stops readers from copying the content and publishing it somewhere else. You’ll notice it when you try to click and drag to copy some of the text — if the plugin is working correctly, you won’t be able to highlight and copy. It’s a nice addition to any magazine. It’s CopyRightPro is a free version of Wp-Copyrightpro plug-in that prevents the copying of texts and images from your blog, if you install this plug-in, your content of wordpress will be protected. If you publish an online journal or blog, you might want to look into installing it.


On the flipside of that, if you experience any problems with the Mule, let us know on our Facebook page and we’ll see your post eventually. We don’t spend a lot of time on FB but we certainly do appreciate all our fans. It seems prudent to post Dead Mule updates on FB and we try not to bother you with too much frippery.


Have a wonderful year end of whatever you want to celebrate. I’m not trying to be politically correct, I just want to cover all my bases. I wanted a peaceful transition to 2013 but so far, that seems just a pipe dream. Hold tight to those you love and pray hard for those who are not here in this form any longer. Say hello to my parents in your prayers.

-Valerie MacEwan