The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Past Mules

Visited the WayBack Machine on and found this from 2002. We’d just begun rebuilding the Dead Mule. The Mule’s been revived three times in the last 22 years. She always rises from the dead, somehow. Lots of databases, lots...

Step and Do Not Step (memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in a small town in South Carolina among the rivers and pines and sandy dirt roads. My mother, a French Huguenot from Charleston, SC, taught me that we have the ocean in our blood...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Alice Gorman: Southern Cross (poetry)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Dear editors, if born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, doesn’t qualify for a head to toe, imbued southerner, don’t read my poem.For twenty years, I have belonged to the Live Poets’ Society of Boca Grande, Florida, where I...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Aimee Keeble: No Ode to Oxy (essay)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I live in North Carolina. This area of America has been savaged by Oxycontin or as they call it around here ‘hillbilly heroin.’ I’ve met a lot of people who have been affected by the drug; this is...
The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature

Nancy Hartney: Three Poems

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My family and I come from Georgia, and while they have mostly died off or moved further south, I still say I hail from Atlanta. Great-great grandfather wore grey and fought in The War while my granddaddy was...