
Con Chapman: Bo Peep ( fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born in Missouri, a border state, in a town–Sedalia–that was the scene of a skirmish in the Civil War. My mother’s people were from Virginia, and she took the side of the South whenever we played...

Jessica Mehta: A Trio (poetry)

No southern legitimacy statement but we have an autobiography: Jessica (Tyner) Mehta is a Cherokee poet and novelist. She’s the author of six collections of poetry including the forthcoming Savagery , the forthcoming Constellations of My Body, Secret-Telling Bones, Orygun, What...

D.T. Robbins: Ghosts Undying (fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: D.T. Robbins was born and raised in Hammond, Louisiana by two parents who barely tolerated one another and a village of Pentecostals. He also spent a few years in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He is Cajun-blooded and, contrary to...

Welcome to April!

This issue is slam-packed with reading goodness. Short stories, poems, long memoirs, Helen Losse’s chapbook and so much more. We hope you’ll  spend a great big hunk of quality time perusing all we have to offer. It’s going to be...

Andy Betz: Mrs. Zeeman (memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Missouri and now live (very, very) close to Atlanta. With the exception of college, I have spent my entire life in the South. I most certainly do not miss the snow,...