
Bonnie Brewer-Kraus: Fiction: Feb 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I live south of Lake Erie now, the shallowest of the Great lakes and the one with the most shipwrecks, but my mother’s family started in Virginia, some as indentured servants, working their way through Tennessee and...

Peggy Rothbaum: Memoir: Feb 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I have lived in the South for 4 generations. I went to college and lived in Chapel Hill for 5 years. This was considered “north”. I did come North and have been here now for decades. I...

Marie Griffin: Fiction: Feb 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am a South Carolina explorer, drama maker, and am known for being a bit high-strung. i enjoy going on long walks, taking pictures of snakes, and love all kinds of critters. Even though i don’t have...

Marsha Owens: Memoir: Feb 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born in Richmond, VA, I’ve made it my forever home. My paternal grandpa was a waterman on the Chesapeake Bay, and to this day, I’m a seafood snob. I married an ex-Amishman to whom all things Southern...

Bill Griffin: Poetry: Feb 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My greatlygreatgrandfather Thomas Griffin moved from Virginia after the Revolution and settled in Union County NC in the 1780’s. Evidently a few other Griffins came south around the same time, therefore I am NOT related to EVERY...

Nathan Webb: Memoir: Feb 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Having moved out of the South for the first time in my life, The Dead Mule has been instrumental in alleviating homesickness. It’s been a great reminder of why I consider the South home. As far as...

Mark Poe: Flash Fiction: Feb 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was raised in a sand blow surrounded by the cotton fields around Black Oak, Arkansas. My kids are still filling empty butter bowls with the same sandy ground I did as a child. I have eaten...

Erin Savage: Memoir: Feb 2022

Southern legitimacy statement: My parents dragged me away from the home I loved in Louisville, to put down roots in the frigid Midwest. My time residing in Louisville, the home of my earliest memories, was well spent though. When I...

February 2022 Issue

We’re chockfull of literary deliciousness this month. Loading poetry, essays, short fiction, and more today but the internet tubes (remember them?) are slow, ponderously so. January certainly is going out like a lion, even eastern NC had snow last week....

Tom Wade: Essay: Jan 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in Missouri and moved to Georgia almost fifty years ago as a VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) volunteer. After over three decades of service, I retired from Georgia state government. Would They Do...

Michele Davis: Memoir: Jan 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I have almost always lived in the South (Southern Maryland, Southern India, Southern Florida, and Southern California). Give me an afternoon under live oak trees dripping with swaying Spanish moss, sweet tea, and a good book, and...