Search Results for: southern


Michael Black: Chaiwalla (essay)

My Southern Legitimacy Statement is as follows: I’m a proud Arkansan even with it hurts to be, and I’ve found hill people and southern charm around the world. Biscuits aren’t always fluffy, but you know when you’ve eaten one. To add...

Cormac McShane: Ruin (short fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My Southern-ness is complex, and split between pride and shame. My mother is from Virginia, and a descendant of the Prestons who came over in the early eighteenth-century. Smithfield Plantation near Blacksburg is an ancestral home of...

Cecil Geary: Bicycle Paths (short fiction)

Southern Legitimacy Statement:  I was raised in central Kentucky, southern Indiana, and southern California. My relatives first came to Kentucky from Virginia in 1800. I usually write humorous stories about the folks I knew in Kentucky. The attached story is...

Bill Prince: Fat Women Walking (memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Earnest and I were bird hunting around the back cornfield near the property line a the dairy we were hunting, when Joe, Earnest’s pointer spooked up a bunch of buzzards. Didn’t know the significance then but this was...

Patrick Metoyer: Poetry!

Southern Legitimacy Statement river town sleepy town cajuncreole spicy foods filé gumbo sultry air pop guns china berry trees joie de vivre laissez bon temps rouler Amen Bless, O Lord, this food we eat Fiber, carbs, even pickled beet Rack...

Charles Hassell : Poetry!

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Born in NC, raised in NC, livin’ in NC. Reckon I’ll die here. Daddy’s from down east, Momma’s from Georgia, and I live and die by slow cooked pork and greasy collard greens. Throw in some hush...

Ray Whitaker : Poetry!

SOUTHERN LEGITIMACY STATEMENT- Been living in North Carolina regular-like some forty years now, and was in-and-outta ‘here all my life before that. I have always thought of myself as a citizen of the world, however I notice that I say...