Category: Essays


Anne Botsford: The Pickles (memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: While standing up in a rowboat, I slapped six-foot alligator gars on the head with my oar, walked over a rattlesnake so sound asleep in the sun that it didn’t wake up, turned over rocks to see if...

Kelley Timmons: Twenty (memoir)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My husband, a fellow aspiring writer, and I married in May and live a quit life in a single-wide in the woods. I was born and raised in a small Arkansas community, without a Dollar General or Sonic...

Holli Harms: The Russians

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I grew up in Columbia South Carolina where I spent my summers at Lake Wateree swimming with the Cottonmouths. I attended the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina where I would swim the beaches of Sullivan’s Island...

Holli Harms: I Grew Up (Essay)

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was raised in South Carolina. I make the best slow cook grits with Daufuskie Shrimp and I know football to be the best game ever created by man. I Grew Up I grew up in South Carolina...

Daniel Uncapher: Stairways (Essay)

Southern Legitimacy Statement:  Born in Maine but raised in Water Valley, Mississippi, the deep south is the only place I’ll ever understand, and I still don’t know the first thing about it. “Stairways” I take the elevator to the funeral...