
Tracy Snyder: Fiction: March 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I am a Texas girl, born and raised. My grandparents were old enough to be my great-grandparents, but they reared me. Engulfed in Southern culture and Southern COUNTRY culture, I spent my formative years on the farm....

Jessica Bates: Memoir: March 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My people hail from Tennessee, and I grew up in my grandpa’s kitchen, with a shotgun in the corner and a bowl of reused flour where he made catheads from scratch. When the Dead One Fell From...

Joshua Dugat: Poetry: March 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born and raised in Austin, Texas, attended college in Virginia and have lived and worked in New Orleans and Tuscaloosa for the 12 years since. My two-year-old son enjoys making angel biscuits with his great-grandmother,...

Jeremy Tavares: Memoir: March 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Jeremy Tavares is a poet and writer of gritty fiction. He lives with his wife and son in Austin, Texas. Salvation is Scarier than Damnation Religion was scary in Middle Mississippi. It was a thing to be...

Garin Cycholl: Fiction: March 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: In reference to my hometown in southeastern Illinois, my cousin used to say, “The South begins about five miles south of here.” I still cannot agree. You could see the South from a ladder and it wasn’t...

Katherine Wiles: Poetry: March 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: My mother is the kind of Southern that’s related to half the phone book. Her family lived on a cattle farm outside Murfreesboro back when it was regular-town sized. My dad grew up in the military and...

Simra Bhakta: Fiction: March 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Simran Bhakta is an emerging writer from Texas. She likes her tea iced, and sweet (And not served unsweetened with a jar of sugar when she requests it at a restaurant) and says y’all at least once...

Elle Lane: Fiction: March 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: I was born in Kansas City, MO. Not technically, on the Missouri side mind you–but that’s the bit of Kansas City I claim. Nothing has ever happened in Kansas, except The Wizard of Oz. I’m tired of...

Lee Daniels: Poetry: March 2022

Southern Legitimacy Statement: Lee received his MFA from the School of Letters, University of the South, Sewanee, TN. Morning Meditation A bell is ringingFor someone’s first puja.And meanwhile IAm making a prayerOf my own:A meditation on the sounds ofDaybreak:The cawing...

Margaret Bauer: Poetry: March 2022

Southern legitimacy statement: I am originally from south Louisiana, where I grew up on the Bayou Teche. I now call eastern North Carolina home, where I live part-time on the Pamlico River. I teach at East Carolina University. I’ve written...